Thursday, May 7, 2009

Elementary Algebra as I know it

Primary school exam papers all have a select set of questions to differentiate between those who are better than the others. From my knowledge, the 2 topics: "Algebra" and "Simultaneous Equations" are the solutions for some of these problems. These 2 topics can even be applied to normal everyday maths questions to help solve them more easily. However, these 2 topics are not taught in primary school. Hence, i will try my best to create a simple guide to algebra for primary school students to understand.

Algebra is the use of letters (any letter to your liking) to denote unknowns, say an amount of sugar (i.e -- x kg of sugar). Before learning to apply algebra to solve your problem sums, you have got to understand how algebra interacts with mathematical signs and numbers.

1) Letters of the same kind can be added/subtracted together.
- x + x = 2x
- 3a + 4a = 7a
- 10r - 4r = 6r
- 3b + 4b - b = 6b

2) 2 different kind of letters cannot be added/subtracted together

- ( a + b) will still remain as ( a + b)
- x + 4y = x +4y
- 2a + 4a - 3b + 5b - a = 5a + 2b

3) Letters in algebra can be multiplied by any number or letter.

- 3 x b = 3b
- 3a x 6b = 18ab
- 2a x 4y = 8ay

4) Letters of the same kind in algebra can be divided by each other
- 6a / 2a = 3
- 9b / 3 = 3b
- 2 / 4c = (1/4)c --> one quarter of c
- d / d = 1 ( same logic as 2 / 2 or any number divided by itself)

5) Letters of the same kind in algebra cannot be divided by another different letter.
- a / b = a / b
- c / d = c / d

Letters of the 2 different kind with numbers attached to it can still be divided.

- 6a / 2b = 3a/ b
- 2c / 10d = c / 5d

These are how algebraic letters interact with multiplication signs and numbers. For more enquiries, feel free to post at the tagboard to ask questions.

*extra - a x a = a^2 ( a to the power of 2 or as some may prefer to call it, a-squared)

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